2 – 4 July 2019 ~ Prague, Czech Republic

CESB19 – Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2019


Central Europe towards Sustainable Building Prague 2019 (CESB19) event will be a part of 2019 international Sustainable Built Environment conference series convened under auspices of the four international organizations: iiSBE, CIB, UNEP-SBCI, FIDIC and the Global Alliance for Building and Construction.

CESB19 continues the tradition of sustainable building conferences in the Central Europe. The CESB team has already organized four international conferences, in 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016.


The main conference topics are:

  • Buildings and climate change
    Design strategies for energy efficient and climate-friendly buildings, design optimization tools, integrated design approach, best practice case studies
  • Innovative use of materials and products in sustainable buildings
    High-tech advanced and natural-based materials, sustainable production, and use of building materials
  • Systems for energy efficient and energy positive buildings
    Integration of advanced and alternative technologies improving sustainability of buildings
  • Decision-support tools and assessment methods for sustainable built environment
    Building sustainability assessment methods, benchmarking and regional aspects, social, economic and environmental indicators of built environment, life cycle costing
  • Sustainable retrofitting of existing buildings
    Examples of sustainable modernizations and refurbishments of existing buildings and districts, innovative retrofitting solutions, prefabrication in retrofitting of existing buildings
  • Sustainable urban development
    Urban regeneration strategies and spatial planning practices responding to climate change, new technologies and local communities
  • Industrial heritage regeneration
    Economically and environmentally effective adaptive reuse strategies, industrial heritage in context of urban regeneration, temporary reuse and regeneration initializing activities
  • Policy and public awareness
    Dissemination of good practice, life-long education, public awareness, national and regional strategies

Key dates

31 May 2018 – Extended abstracts submission
15 September 2018 – Acceptance notification
1 November 2018 – Full papers submission
15 February 2019 – Results of full papers’ review process
15 March 2019 – Implementation of reviewers’ comments into full papers
1 April 2019 – Presenting author’s registration


The local organizers are three institutes of the Czech Technical University in Prague: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Klokner Institute and University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings (UCEEB).

Attendance fees

The conference fee includes a printed Book of Abstracts, full access to extended electronic papers, welcome cocktail, 3x lunch, refreshments in coffee breaks, sponsored Social Evening (July 3), excursion to University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings (July 2 afternoon)

Fee until 1 April 2019     after 1 April 2019    
Standard 690€ 790€
Members of iiSBE, CIB, UNEP, FIDIC, CSBS, ČVUT     590€ 690€
Scientific Committee Members 540€ 620€
Master and Bachelor students 350€ 420€

For further details see the Registration fees page of the conference homepage.


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