Potsdam, Germany
University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (FHP) is an innovative, forward-looking and practically oriented university. Since it was founded in 1991, the university has become an important pillar in the knowledge landscape of the region. The Department of Civil Engineering has seven laboratories and offers five bachelor study programmes, three “dual” degree programmes (part-academic, part-practical courses), and a number of master’s study programmes, including a master’s in Bauerhaltung und Bauen im Bestand (Building Conservation) which includes an elective module on earth in building conservation. The FHP strives to create good learning conditions, including small seminar groups, interdisciplinarity and close partnerships between teachers and students.
Building with earth is included in teaching for civil and structural engineering students. Students of building conservation are able to partake in an elective course on “Earth in Building Conservation”.
The module provides a grounding in the use of earthen building materials in the conservation of both earth and non-earth buildings. A knowledge of the specific properties of earthen materials, their advantages and particularities should enable the students to reach new standards in material critical construction as well as in the fields of conservation projects and extensions to existing buildings. The materials and techniques are explained through the use of numerous international and national project examples with the inclusion of a one-day excursion.
Graduates are capable of recognising and classifying the damages to earthen buildings and materials and are knowledgeable of their special properties and characteristics. They are also prepared to develop informed new conservation and modernisation concepts for earthen buildings.
The module is taught over the course of six separate days of four hours teaching spread throughout the semester. The module is assessed through a written exam and is also available to special and external applicants.
Students at the Department of Civil Engineering can undertake research projects as part of their masters studies. Previous research projects include:
- Reduktion der Wasserdampfsorption von Lehmputzen durch Stabilisierungsmittel
- Lehmbasierte Mörtel zum Füllen von Rissen in historischen Massivlehmwänden
- Lehmwellerbau in Zschortau
- Ehemaliges barockes Gartenhaus im Denkmalkomplex „Schloss Baruth“ in Teltow – Fläming
- Sanierungsmaßnahmen einer Remise im Denkmalensemble „Bornstedter Dorfanlage mit Kirche und Friedhof“
- Wirkungsmechanismen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten von tonhaltigen Mauerwerksabdichtungen
- Historisches Bürgerhaus Lübsche Straße 66 in 23966 Wismar – Analyse und Tragwerksplanung
- Gutsarbeiterhäuser in Hohenahlsdorf
- Versuche zur Feststellung der Gebrauchstauglichkeit von Bauplatten aus Lehm
Entrance Requirements
Courses and research are open to masters students in the fields of building conservation, architecture and civil and structural engineering. Certain modules are also open to special and external applicants as continuing professional development courses.