LEHM 2008 - Call for Papers

The LEHM 2008, the 5th international conference and trade fair on building with earth, will be held from the 10-12 October 2008 in Koblenz, Germany. The Dachverband Lehm e.V. extends an open invitation to all interested professional colleagues to submit thematic relevant contributions and papers for the LEHM 2008 conference as well as for a poster session which will be exhibited parallel to the conference. Abstracts should be submitted by 15th February 2008.

XXI Conference on Earthen Architecture in Spain 2007

The XXI International Conference on Earthen Architecture in Spain 2007 is organised by the Navapalos Foundation, and Inter-Acción (ONGD). It takes place from the 23rd…

Moisture transfer and change in strength during the construction of rammed earth walls

A number of rammed earth projects constructed in recent years in Germany testify to the high level of architectural interest in this material in our country. Rammed earth has been “rediscovered” because of its unique materiality and fascinating and individual surface aesthetics, particularly by young architects. In connection with the realisation of two rammed earth projects realised in Thuringia in 2003/4 some questions arose concerning the processes of moisture transfer and changes in strength properties during construction. The earthen building standards document only very rough estimates of drying times for rammed earth walls. The idea arose to develop a test program for investigating the question of drying time with regard to the change in material strength in rammed earth walls, as well as for general aspects of testing procedures for rammed earth in standards. The paper presents first results of a laboratory program trying to approach to this very complex problem. A series of test specimens were produced and the unconfined compressive strength UCS were determined varying the drying times from 7 to 90 days. The moisture content of the test specimens was also varied: at OMC (PROCTOR test), lower and higher OMC.

Adobe USA 2007

The 4th Adobe Conference of the Adobe Association of the Southwest: AdobeUSA 2007 will take place May 18, 19, 20 and 22, 2007 in El Rito, New Mexico on the campus of co-sponsor Northern New Mexico Community College in Cutting Hall Auditorium. Earth architecture specialists from as many as 15 nations including Asia, Africa, Europe and South America, will offer presentations on earth architecture. Sponsored by the Adobe Association of the Southwest, this conference is the only one of its kind in the United States and grew out of the Adobe Construction Building Program at Northern New Mexico College in El Rito.

2007 International Symposium on Earthen Structures

The 2007 International Symposium on Earthen Structures will take place August 22-24, 2007 in Bangalore, India. The conference is jointly organized by the Department of Civil Engineering and Center for Sustainable Technologies at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India, the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the University of Bath, U.K. and the Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de L’Etate, Lyon, France.

5th Seminar of Earth Architecture in Portugal

The UA/University of Aveiro, ESG/Gallaecia Superior School, FCO/Foundation Convent of Orada and the CdT/Association Centre of Earth are the organisers and hosts of the 5th Seminar of Earth Architecture in Portugal (5th ATP), which will take place from the 10th to the 13th of October 2007 in the University of Aveiro, Portugal. Since its creation in 2003, the Portuguese Seminar on Earth Architecture as been evolving increasingly with the participation of European and Iberoamerican professionals.

Terra 2008

UPDATE: Preliminary Conference Programme now available.
Terra 2008, the 10th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architectural Heritage, will take place in Bamako, Mali from February 1-5, 2008. This is the 10th conference organized by the earthen architecture community under the aegis of ICOMOS since 1972, and the first to be held in Africa. The conference is expected to draw up to 300 specialists in the fields of conservation, anthropology, archaeology, architecture and engineering, scientific research, site management, and sustainable development of earthen architectural heritage.

6th Latin American Seminar of Earth Construction

The “VI Seminario Iberoamericano de Construcción con Tierra” is organised by: Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Tampico. Tamaulipas. México Universidad…